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CN2000B type Cementitious Capillary Crystalline Waterproof material

CN2000B type Cementitious Capillary Crystalline Waterproof material


CN2000B type Cementitious Capillary Crystalline
Waterproof material with eka-molecular sieve structure used
in the waterproof project of the National Swimming Center “Water Cube”

1 Pile head waterproof structure
2 Material characteristic

2.1 Overview
2.2 Waterproof mechanism
2.3 Measure the result of permeate permeability
2.4 Material characteristic
2.5 Field of application

3 Product preparation
4 Conclusion



CN2000B type Cementitious Capillary Crystalline
Waterproof material with eka-molecular sieve structure used
in the waterproof project of the National Swimming Center “Water Cube”

ZHANG Cheng-Kai, XUE Shao-Zu
(1 ZHONGHE waterproof material Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300180; 2 Shanghai Underground Railway Consultation and Supervision Science and technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200031)

Abstract:  CN2000B type Cementitious Capillary Crystalline Waterproof material (CCCW) with eka-molecular sieve structure, which is produced by the ZHONGHE Waterproof Material Co., Ltd., was already used in the waterproof project of the National Swimming Center “Water Cube” for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 successfully. It was brushed on the pile heads of some 4 400 foundation piles for the critical setting up defenses of waterproof construction. The material characteristic, waterproof mechanism, measure of penetration depth, application scope and fully automatic powder preparation system of CN2000B type waterproof material are introduced in this paper.
Key words:  the National Swimming Center “Water Cube”, eka-molecular sieve structure, cementitious capillary crystalline waterproof material (CCCW), fully automatic powder preparation system.


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